I apologize for our absence. It seems this year has flown by! J is growing like crazy, and has a HUGE vocabulary! The newest of which is mommy/daddy "brother sister". That would be correct. Our boy is asking for a sibling. I thought he was too young for this?
So since our last update we have gone to see Chris's parents. I think it was our best trip yet, and it was GREAT to spend time with them. I am so blessed to have a set of inlaws that I love!!!
My husband started a new job, and he loves the new company.
We enjoyed a nice summer at home, and didn't get away for our anniversary until september, about three months after our third anniversary. When we did, it was so wonderful! My parents kept the boy one night, and some our very good friends kept him the other.
One of my best friends had a baby! My mija (pronounced mee-ha - spanish pet name) is beautiful and I love her, but have barely seen her.
We spent a lot of time with Bart and Katherin, the missionaries we plan to work with in Uruguay. We are projecting to travel in the fall of 2010 for at least 6 months to go work down there. We are so excited! Please pray for them as they start their newest adventure... they are soon to be parents!
Though not overly interesting, God has truly blessed us this year. It has alternated between going slow as molasses, to flying right by. Our son is our sunshine. His very existence will always speak of the nature of a huge and life giving God!
As for my sons' request for a sibling, that is something you can keep in your prayers as well. We feel like God has given us the capacity to love so many children in our lifetime, and in His time we would love to have another child. As we have to pursue children, and can't go the route the majority of people do, we need God's wisdom and guidance. We are currently consulting with an infertility specialist, and when we have peace about trying for more, we will start getting treatment.
May God bless you all! When we get a chance we will get up a few more posts!!!
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