Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Late Update!

So, as you can see, I am PREGNANT! This is something I had come to the conclusion I would never be able to say again! Such a miracle that God has done. After two years of seeing a specialist and fertility treatments, we had a combined doozy. In July we were told that we were going to have to go on a medically induced fertility break. We were considering giving up. We knew we were going to have to wait until October before we would even be able to try another round, if not December or January. July was an incredibly busy month. We had a friends wedding I was doing flowers for and then we had an event at our church that gives out backpacks and supplies for needy kids. These two events soaked up that month, and then we were on into August. We were scheduled to leave for my husbands' parents' house on August 7th,a friday. All week long I had been impossibly hot and just off. My period wasn't coming, and I was a little bitter at it, since I KNEW that meant I was going to get it on vacation. My DH told me to take a preegnancy test, but my response was "no, thank you, I have seen over 30 negatives in the last two years and I just don't want to face the disappointment" He had encourages me to take the test at the beginning of the week, but I wasn't planning on it. However I ended up going to the Dollar Store to pick up a few toys for the trip and decided to just grab a test. I took it the friday morning we were headed out, just because. I remember thinking as the test was taking it's time that IF this test was going to be positive, that the outlines of the 2nd line I could see would be where it showed up. Having taken 30+ of these tests in the last two years that should have been my first clue. Silly, silly me! I watched as the line grew darker and bust up laughing when I realized the test was a +. I was in full shock and couldn't wait to show my husband! Needless to say, he was pretty excited too! Of course wee immediately called my family as we knew we couldn't leave for a week and a half without telling them. Then we ended up calling my inlaws. Everyone is overjoyed! This baby is so wanted and will be so loved by its entire family! J is excited to have a new baby and he often says he is going to share it with me. If you have been one of the ones praying for us over the last few years, thank you so very much. We have a big God who builds families in such unique ways. We hope and pray that this child will love the Lord from a very young age and live its life to His glory. There is no better way to live!

Top picture is facial structure, with an arm to the side. You can see the arm up next to its head in the forefront. The bottom picture is full body. It makes me laugh because it already sleeps like its big brother.
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1 comment:

Anna said...

Sooooo happy for you! Your story made me cry! God is good!!!