42 days 13 hours 8 minutes 27 seconds
from having a baby!!!
We have been super duper busy lately. We were supposed to go to the GA aquarium tomorrow, but that isn't going to happen. Thus no fun pictures for you. Well of fun things we have done lately. I haven't been a picture taking queen lately and that is for sure. This pregnancy has pulled a few doozies on me that I was not expecting. The irony of life I guess. We prayed for this child, and hoped for this child, and I will be honest I spent a lot of time fearing she would never exist. But she does! And she is a miracle! (yes, two grammatical errors in two sentences for me, this is new)

We are selling some items in a childrens consignment sale this upcoming weekend. It should give us some money to purchase a few things we have left that we need. Mostly storage furniture for their room. We are also going to pick up a few picture frames for their room to individualize each side. So for fun I will show you some of the pics going up on J's side... still working on S's.
42 days 12 hours 51 minutes 20 seconds
But, who's counting?
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