Monday, March 31, 2008

J meets up with an ink pad!

Well I guess all kids do it at some time or another, or even multiple times. Let's hope this was a one time thing... J found my stamp pads for scrapbooking, and I didn't catch on for a little bit. We couldn't do anything but laugh for a while! Here are a few pictures to make you smile!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Aquarium and IMAX

Tori and Jeremiah getting ready for the IMAX movie. This was Jeremiah's first movie EVER!! He fell asleep about 15 minutes into it. It was a good first try!
This is one of those tanks where you can pet the fish. Jeremiah couldnt reach the fish, but he thought it was pretty cool to be able to put his hands in the water!
We just thought this was strange... so we had to take a picture!

Jeremiah looking into a tank of fish, which he already thought was totally fascinating, way before this. This is one of my favorite pictures!